Mad Moon Rising

A lunar eclipse hits, and Mercury goes retrograde.

If you’ve ever used a clay face mask, you were probably disappointed when you washed away the dried clay, expecting a smooth, improved complexion—only to look in the mirror and see puffy, irritated skin instead. Eventually your post-mask skin settled down and firmed up, but first the clay created temporary chaos by pulling toxins out of your pores, aggravating your face for a while. This week’s lunar eclipse in Aquarius works similarly. Angry Mars and unpredictable Uranus are both involved. Yikes! Any unaddressed issues or growing resentments may combust this week. A full Moon illuminates big truths and unspoken feelings; a full Moon eclipse shines an undeniably bright floodlight. Since so many planets are now retrograde, the revelations you have this week might relate to the past, even to childhood.

Mercury officially turns retrograde on Wednesday, giving you the ability to notice what you may have overlooked before. Yes, Mercury retrograde is also famous for miscommunications, lost items, and tech glitches. Expect many re- verbs like repair, revisit, and redo. Old friends and lovers might pop up too. Because Mercury is in Leo, you’ll also consider how pride and ego can sometimes hinder growth. In an old riot grrrl zine, Kathleen Hanna wrote: “Decide that you’d rather learn stuff than prove you’re right all the time.” That’s your motto during this Mercury retrograde. Also on Wednesday, the Sun and Uranus form a square that lets you know you can’t possibly stay the same. Your individuality (or even creative works) may even cause problems with a group to which you belong. On the 26th, be sure to check out Mars glowing orange in the night sky. Because Mars is traveling so close to Earth, it will look huge.


Here comes the big one. Of this summer’s three eclipses, Friday’s total lunar eclipse in Aquarius is the wildest and most jaw-dropping. While Uranus, at a square angle, adds metaphorical earthquakes and lightnin’ to this eclipse, Mars sits right on the full Moon, filling us with anger—especially anger about the past. People are fed up. It’s a big week for breakups and breakdowns. Social movements can affect us very personally. So if recent #MeToo news stories have triggered you, be gentle with yourself. At this eclipse, Mars and the Moon are both on a point called the South Node, a place of karmic release. Acknowledge what you’ve outgrown and who is no longer on your team. This is a great eclipse for stopping harmful habits (drinking, smoking, checking your ex’s Instagram). Ongoing health issues can reach a crisis point near an eclipse, for people and pets. Just stay aware. Insomnia and daytime drowsiness are other common eclipse effects. Because we’re working with Aquarius (Moon) and Leo (Sun) themes, your social circle and artistic output are being refined and fine-tuned over the next two weeks. Aquarius and Leo are fixed signs, known for stubbornness. Yet fixed signs are also supremely creative. They embody integrity. Focus on those qualities as you roll with this eclipse’s nasty weather.


Mercury goes retrograde on Wednesday the 25th, and won’t turn direct until August 18. (Even then, Mercury will dawdle in its post-retrograde “shadow zone” until Sept. 1.) The Sun clashes with Uranus today, pressuring us to adapt—or else. An aggravating aspect between Venus and Uranus pits freedom against connection, and may bring strange news regarding relationships. On Thursday the 26th, you’ll want to pay attention to physical health issues. Look for Mars in the sky tonight! The Sun opposes Mars, which can stir aggression, competition, or lust in us. (Another related quote from Hanna: “Figure out how the idea of competition fits into your intimate relationships.”) The Moon and Pluto will touch, which could coincide with legal decisions. Oh, and the Moon is void-of-course all day, favoring relaxation over concentration. Friday the 27th is the lunar eclipse! This eclipse may relate to themes that arose in January. Though the Moon and Mars create a heated aspect in the morning—and while this is a rather enraged full Moon—it’s also a good date night. That’s because Venus and Pluto are forming a harmonious trine that could also bring in money. Pay attention to new people you meet. On Saturday the 28th, there’s opportunity to repair relationship rips. You’ll want to focus on nesting and making your living space homey too. People won’t be told what to do, so expect pushback or protest. On Sunday the 29th, the Moon is void until 4:30 p.m. Avoid big purchases or decisions. You can make emotional breakthroughs today, and the evening looks sweet. On Monday the 30th, others may annoy you, but they’re mirroring your own flaws. You’ll have to work on communicating clearly. Tuesday the 31st has an aspect that lets us dissolve old bonds and move on. When the Moon touches Neptune, our feelings are big, but so is our capacity to connect and empathize. Today the raucous Mars-retro anger should seem tamer. (Heads up: On August 1, Mars and Uranus form a potentially dangerous angle associated with accidents.)
