
Limitless Labs Reviews – What to Know Before Buy! (LimitlessLabs.com)

Are you tired of spending long hours advancing the empires of others? Can’t seem to shake off internal negativity? Having trouble understanding your life’s purpose? These three questions all have a characteristic in common that one team refers to as thinking patterns. Our emotions determine how we view a person, thing, or event. Unfortunately, these emotions will persist if they don’t work to one’s advantage the first time. Sure, people who believe developing a powerful, optimistic outlook requires seeing a therapist are partially correct, but it calls for years of commitment.

We first had mixed feelings about the idea of a digital pill, but as we learned more about this method, also known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, we couldn’t help but become fixated on it. Would you trust us if we told you that there is a linguistic-based methodology that rewires thought patterns in addition to therapy or other ways for health, success, growth, and lifestyle goals? The following in-depth review will explore the concept in question while providing insights into Limitless Labs’ products. Let’s begin with their background story.

What are Limitless Labs?

Inspire3’s Limitless Labs is defined as a science-based audio lab. For those unsure of what tapping into the mind entails, it primarily emphasizes the benefits of rewiring one’s thought processes to elevate essential aspects of life. With listen-along audio experiences in place, this team hopes to help everyone release the power of their minds.

According to the creators, these audios are what people should listen to, whether they wish to increase their motivation and self-confidence, lose weight, or improve their sleep quality. Inspire3 has created over 35 distinct experiences, each of which is considered a “digital pill.” Speaking of a digital pill, it is crucial for everyone to comprehend the reasoning behind the audio before exploring the available products, so let’s get started!


What serves as Limitless Labs’ foundation?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) sits at the core of Limitless Labs. By using NLP, one’s ideas and behaviors can be changed to achieve desired results. According to one source [1], this approach was first employed in the 1970s to treat phobias and anxiety. Richard Bandler and John Grinder are credited with creating this technique, as the duo was adamant that it had the potential to uncover thought and behavior patterns. Matter-of-factly, they later went on to author two books, The Structure of Magic I and II, which contributed to NLP’s popularisation.

In terms of its function, NLP seeks to identify and alter any unintentional biases or constraints in a person’s worldwide viewpoints. How? Through the deliberate use of words that change someone’s attitudes and behavior. When a client visits a practitioner, they typically employ one of many tools that work best for their patient, whether it elicits an emotional reaction, enhances communication via empathy, changes habits for a better view of life, or gets rid of bad memories from the past.

Considering everything, NLP’s one weakness is a lack of scientific knowledge. Truthfully, the results of numerous studies and reviews appear to be contradictory. But out of the 1,656 ratings on Trustpilot, 98% of people seem to have used NLP and been pleased with the outcomes. The current journey must therefore be viewed with an open mind to determine whether NLP impacts an individual basis. Now that we’ve laid the groundwork let’s look at Limitless Labs’ offers.

What does Limitless Labs currently offer?

As previously said, Limitless Labs provides more than 35 distinct digital pill experiences. An overview of each one’s potential effects is given below:

Digital Pills that Focus on the Brain



Outcome: Activate Genius IQ

Technique: Modeling

Neurup-229 is a 16-minute audio program aiming to improve mental agility, deep connections, ideas, and brainpower. To put it another way, it has been compiled to improve IQ, thereby unleashing the genius within everyone. Inspire3 advises listening to the audio once a week and adjusting the dosage as necessary to get the most out of this digital pill. Julie-Ann Amos, a practitioner, will use advanced modeling protocols to completely rewire thinking patterns. These include Anchoring, Submodalities, Feeling Amplification, and Hypnotic Language Patterns.



Outcome: Be Super Creative

Technique: Simulator

Invadaze-67 is a 16-minute audio intended to awaken one’s creativity. This time, Julie-Ann Amos will use cutting-edge simulator techniques that encourage creativity, remove mental barriers, and help people unlock their inner creative genius. It is important to note that there will be no changes to one’s daily routine because of this process. In terms of techniques, the main ones used, besides stimulation, include Future Pacing, Anchoring, Submodalities, Feeling Amplification, and Hypnotic Language Patterns. Finally, the frequency with which one listens to Be Super Creative is entirely up to the listener.



Outcome: Master Whole Brain Thinking

Technique: Circle of Excellence

While some people regard themselves as more analytical than creative, others do the opposite. We have all been taught by society that we are either one or the other. Inspire3 has since released Master Whole Brain Thinking to diverge from the line described above of thinking. This 16-minute audio focuses on improving the connections between our brains’ left and right sides, which could lead to more holistic ideas and viewpoints, the ability to see the big picture and think analytically and creatively. When it comes to methods, the Advanced Circle of Excellence is the most important one and has been combined with Anchoring, Submodalities, Feeling Amplification, and Hypnotic Language Patterns.



Outcome: Photographic Memory

Technique: Hypnotic Command

Rekoshot-1 was created to promote photographic memory retention while lowering the frequency of forgetfulness. Julie-Ann Amos will employ Hypnotic Command to induce memorization, flawless recall with increased speed, and long-term memory. So, people can finally put memory apps and flashcards aside. Taking one “digital injection” per week is sufficient, but taking more is no harm. Taking everything into account, his 19-minute audio embodies not only the primary technique but also Visualisation, Metaphor, Anchoring, Submodalities, Feeling Amplification, and Hypnotic Language Patterns. It should be evident by this point that every digital pill has 4 of the same techniques while introducing anywhere between 2 and 3 new ones.



Outcome: Sharper Thinking

Technique: Movie Screen Reframe

Cereceler-A is a 13-minute audio designed to sharpen the mind. The Inspire3 team interprets this as having the capacity to think more quickly and creatively and possibly develop insight. This audio is like Rekoshot-1 in that it has been designed to help listeners retain new knowledge more rapidly while ensuring all connections are made and ideas are formed from all kinds of directions. The methods used here are different; the main one is referred to as Advanced Movie Reframe, which has been combined with Submodality Shift and Visualization.



Outcome: Super-Fast Learning

Technique: VSCFP

Trentum-10 is a 19-minute audio that will help anyone who needs to sharpen their concentration and study skills. People should gradually notice an increase in their capacity to take in knowledge. Furthermore, by constantly listening to this digital pill, their ability for profound understanding will have been maximized. Whether the goal is to ace a test or learn a new language, among other things, Trentum-10 is regarded as the most excellent method. Inspire3 also accompanied Advanced Circle of Excellence, Chunking, Future Pacing, Visualization, and Submodality Shift protocols with Advanced VSCFP to help fulfill “super-fast learning.”

Digital Pills that Focus on Lifestyle Choices



Outcome: Be Happy

Technique: Movie Screen Reframe

Vitatine-25 is the first digital pill to launch in the lifestyle category of products. The 14-minute audio is intended to train the brain to fight dullness and negativity with techniques that improve one’s outlook on life and naturally increase satisfaction and happiness. People who have relied on antidepressants’ numbing effects or the psychoactive effects of drugs will discover they are feeling good, strong, and calm. It’s also reassuring to know that these advantages can be obtained by merely listening to the audio, which highly values Advanced Movie Reframe, Submodality Shift, and Visualization protocols.



Outcome: Be Super Productive

Technique: Pattern Interrupt

Maxflow-15 is a 19-minute audio designed for people who have experienced multiple blockages/slowdowns during their day, resulting in extremely low productivity levels. As per Inspire3, while time management systems, brainwave music, and certain prescription medications may help in the short term, they are unlikely to promote long-term success. Maxflow-15 has the potential to increase one’s productivity channels, allowing him or her to work for extended periods of time while still having fun and avoiding procrastination. Above all else, time can be reserved for actual interactions with family and friends. These benefits are all possible thanks to Advanced Pattern Interrupt, Metaphor, and Parts Integration.



Outcome: Charisma

Technique: Modeling

Have you ever wondered why some people find it easier to build sincere connections than others? Are you someone who struggles to recover from hardship? The 16-minute audio called Chauramil-7 aims to accentuate everyone’s charisma. Although several steps could be taken, including reading self-help books or developing your social skills, these don’t always ensure success. Individuals who hear this audio repeatedly may feel refreshed in social circumstances and confident during discussions. All that’s allegedly required are a few Advanced Modeling techniques.



Outcome: Confidence

Technique: Pinhole

Gaining self-assurance is a common goal for many people. What steps must be taken to achieve this? Bolden-1 seeks to create a solid wall of self-confidence and self-esteem regardless of whether the purpose is to find a dream job or to rise to leadership. People will progressively let go of their fears and doubts during the 15 minutes of this audio, which will give them greater confidence to take chances and make daring moves. Advanced Pinhole, Submodalities, and Visualization have all been used in this instance in tandem with NLP.



Outcome: Conversation Master

Technique: Simulator

Teterane-6 is a 15-minute audio created to assist people who have difficulty starting conversations. Many people avoid social gatherings and feel hopeless because they fear making rude, silly, or weak remarks. Unfortunately, the latter consequences can be devastating, especially given how humans rely on social connections to survive. With this in mind, Teterane-6 can be relied on to activate one’s flow of the conversation, eliminate awkwardness, and bring people closer together than they have ever been. These audios practice Advanced Simulator, Future Pacing, Submodalities, and Anchoring to prevent people from holding back.



Outcome: Energy Surge

Technique: Slingshot

How one feels when they wake up significantly impacts their productivity and mood. Even eight hours of sleep may not be enough to start the day for some. Sleeping well is one thing, but living without a sense of purpose is not truly living. The 15 minutes of Zelaverve-8 will rewire people’s brains, so they feel fully recharged and have a sustainable energy source. What’s even better? These enhancements will come naturally and without any effort. In fact, productivity levels are anticipated to reach all-time highs, whether for work or personal reasons. Inspire3 used only Advanced Slingshot, Submodality Shift, and Visualization protocols to get things going.

Digital Pills that Focus on Becoming Successful



Outcome: Achieving Anything

Technique: Simulator

People usually take a step back at some point in their lives to reflect on how far they’ve come. In many cases, all that is presented before them are unrealized dreams. To turn dreams into reality, Individuals will require an endless supply of energy, enthusiasm, determination, and willpower. Most importantly, when things begin to fall apart, strength becomes critical to deal with the consequences.

In Viktoral-1, 15 minutes of NLP are provided to help people rewire their thought patterns, accept effort, and recode goals for a path to contentment. Along the way, self-control and drive may be heightened for maximum results. Viktoral-1’s success is allegedly a result of combining Future Pacing, Submodality Shifts, and Anchoring.



Outcome: Attract Opportunities

Technique: Slingshot

Boostup-11 contains 16 minutes of full-on NLP designed to help people make the most of each day. Individuals who listen to this audio may find themselves attracting new ventures and possibly feeling lucky. Why not take advantage of more opportunities, new friendships, and successful business connections right? Inspire3 claims that Advanced Slingshot, Submodality Shift, and Visualization protocols were used to fulfill these results.



Outcome: Be a Success Entrepreneur

Technique: Time Machine & Timeline

Tygrall-C might be the best choice for those with an entrepreneurial mindset who need a little nudge in the right direction. It contains 16 minutes of NLP designed to help one discover their inner entrepreneur while retaining the required skills and energy. Time Machine and Timeline protocols were used to develop new thought processes, confidence, and motivation, among other things. This digital pill also uses Future Pacing to cultivate a focused, razor-sharp mindset for creating new income streams.



Outcome: Get Motivated & End Procrastination

Technique: Pinhole

Dospuron-10 is another audio dedicated to stripping away procrastination. This audio only takes 13 minutes with an added desire to consistently complete a given task. This is an excellent chance for everyone to learn how to put their underlying motives on autopilot, transforming the difficulty into easiness and sheer joy. Advanced Pinhole, Submodality Shift, and Visualization are key protocols that distinguish Dospuron-10 for audio like Maxflow-15.



Outcome: Multi-Millionaire Mindset

Technique: Modeling

People are likely to have views on what defines a multi-millionaire mindset. As stated by the Inspire3 team, people of such stature “value time over money and experiences over gifts.” They realize the only way to make money is to invest it in various ventures. Neuroplo-UT, primarily developed through Advanced Modeling, is thought to aid in creating such a mindset by reinforcing intuition and ingraining characteristics that distinguish millionaires. Luckily, individuals will have more time to reflect on the steps to making positive, profitable decisions as this track progresses.



Outcome: Unlimited Money Magnet

Technique: Time Machine

Trakabene-22 is a 17-minute NLP session for people seeking wealth. Julie-Ann intends to employ specific strategies that rewire the brain to increase earnings, pay off debt, and enjoy one’s preferred lifestyle. The more positive thoughts people embrace, the more wealth they will attract. “Money is an inside job,” Inspire3 says, adding that thinking poor is why many remain that way Thinking poor, and you’ll stay poor. Going back to the strategies used, Julie allegedly concentrated on Advanced Time Machine and Future Pacing.

Digital Pills that Focus on Health & Wellness



Outcome: Exercise Motivation

Technique: Modeling

Exercise is essential for good health, mental well-being, and longevity, so motivation is more important than ever. It seems that it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit, but exercising is one that people might hesitate or give up on. Sportine-262 employs Advanced Modeling to boost everyone’s motivation to go to the gym. This 16-minute audio may promote enthusiasm, increase drive, and a desire to push oneself for the best outcomes by helping to build the brain’s deep exercise motivation pathways. It’s not only about getting a workout in; this audio ensures that people give it their all each time.



Outcome: Great Night’s Sleep

Technique: Parts Integration

The body also needs to rest as much as it needs to move. People frequently compromise on sleep due to societal stressors and rising pressure from all facets of life. With each 17-minute listening session, Selaxine-8 aims to break this habit. Specifically, the audio might promote deep, restorative sleep while ensuring feelings of restfulness. The Advanced Parts Integration protocol is used in this audio to reach said results, and luckily, it must only be listed once to renew thinking patterns.



Outcome: Healthiest You

Technique: 5-Year Projection

What does becoming healthy imply for you? The internal systems that reflect external health are involved, as stated by the Inspire3 team. Cosprite-AZ was created to ensure that users make the best choices for increased immunity, healthy eating and exercise routines, and deep sleep. These factors are thought to work together to promote overall happiness as well. These factors are considered to work together to promote overall happiness as well.

Considering everything, this 16-minute audio is unlike any other program that deprives people of their favorite foods. Cosprite-AZ is thought to install new neural pathways that naturally drive people to make the right choices. How? By rewiring thinking patterns using Advanced 5-Year Projection and Future Pacing protocols. Regardless of the adversity, the profound change that occurs with each repetition is trusted to promote consistency in all areas.



Outcome: Lose Weight Fast

Technique: Pinhole

Following that is audio devoted to achieving weight loss results. Each 15-minute session of Adisolve-1000 is designed to assist people in achieving their ideal physique, boosting their confidence and maintaining a positive outlook on life. Julie-Ann Amos believes that by using the Advanced Pinhole, Submodality Shift, and Visualization protocols, individuals’ thinking patterns will improve naturally, leading to healthier eating, an increase in energy, and more significant commitment. Our editorial team was drawn to Adisolve-1000 not because of the brain rewiring step but because of the difficulties of embarking on a weight loss journey. The creators understand that specific diets only produce short-term results and the importance of motivation or a lack thereof.



Outcome: Slim Body

Technique: Movie Theater

Trimatin-1 is for anyone looking to advance their weight loss efforts. Many get more inspired to explore how much additional sculpting may be accomplished after noticing significant weight changes. In this regard, Trimatin-1 may assist individuals in developing thought patterns that satisfy shape and size, commitment to a healthy diet, and eventually allow people to find pleasure in the process rather than treating it as a chore. The Advanced Movie Theater, Submodality Shift, and Visualization key protocols are applied to this digital pill.



Outcome: Virtual Gastric Band

Technique: Visualization

Suparin-20 is a 12-minute audio that tricks the brain into putting on a virtual gastric band. This is expected to aid in weight loss by boosting satiety and decreasing cravings throughout the day. What’s most intriguing about the Suparin-20 digital pill is the claim that people can still eat their favorite foods, but mostly in moderation. Most importantly, Individuals do not need to make conscious changes to their respective lifestyles to benefit from this audio, mainly created using the Advanced Visualization protocol! Getting back to the virtual gastric band, it allegedly has its limit, according to the Inspire3 team.

Digital Pills that Focus on Building a Positive Mindset



Outcome: Boost Self-Esteem

Technique: Slingshot

Admirite-1 is a 16-minute audio built on the Advanced Slingshot protocol that emphasizes the value of loving oneself and finding comfort in one’s skin. People will eventually become more self-assured and more confident in themselves. Most importantly, those who have been maintaining their boundaries will finally get the confidence to speak up and care less about what people think.



Outcome: Fear of Rejection

Technique: Swish

Rejection is difficult to handle; some people can pick themselves up immediately, while others become more critical of themselves. The Inspire3 team argued that even a small rejection could set off neurological pathways that would cause people to return to their comfort zones immediately. The Advanced Swish and Submodality Shift protocols used in Fortene-135 increase self-assurance and courage and may encourage people to take on obstacles.



Outcome: Install Self-Discipline

Technique: Pinhole

The inability to stick to new habits is the main relatable issue that Kochai-N has been compiled to alleviate. Whether the goal is to go to the gym every day or to take vitamins regularly, consistency is essential for success. Fortunately, self-discipline is recognized as a mode of thought, and Kochai-N employs the Advanced Pinhole protocol to rewire the brain for success, energy, and drive. Individuals will naturally achieve tranquility and mental alertness wherever it is appropriate.



Outcome: Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

Technique: Limiting Beliefs

People have repeatedly been held back by limited thinking and life perspectives. Indeed, these mental blocks are typically instilled at a young age and are said to work against people well into their adulthood. Therapy is highly recommended, but the process is considered lengthy. Olthosolve-14 employs Advanced Limiting Beliefs, Submodality Shift, and Metaphor protocols to replace limiting beliefs with uplifting ones. As a result, individuals may find themselves avoiding counterproductive habits and behaviors in favor of nurturing a powerful yet healthy mindset.



Outcome: Let Go of the Past

Technique: 5-Year Projection

Trauma, relationships, and deaths can all be haunting if help is not sought. Again, some people respond quickly to therapy, whereas healing can take years in most cases. Narasolve-0 is a 17-minute audio that focuses on the Advanced 5-year projection and Future Pacing protocols to assist individuals in healing from their respective pasts, incorporating the possibility of a brighter future, and avoiding destructive habits. While those mentioned above are much easier said than done, the first step is to begin, and Narasolve-0’s rewiring abilities may come in handy here.



Outcome: Positive Thinking
Technique: Pattern Interrupt

Finally, Ceremist-89 seeks to harness the power of the Advanced Pattern Interrupt, Metaphor, and Submodality Shift protocols to eradicate negative thinking. With this 17-minute audio in place, users may feel more joyful, optimistic, and upbeat. People who have long seen the glass as half-empty will now see it as half-full. Negative thinking influences one’s mood, and line of thought and tends to make people doubt their worth. As a result, our editorial team was ecstatic to discover Ceremist-89 in Inspire3’s family of products.

Digital Pills that Focus on Growth



Outcome: Attitude of Gratitude

Technique: Circle of Excellence

Another audio with the theme of letting go of negativity and valuing the good things in life is Apexite-87. People frequently forget how far they’ve come because they desire more money, more opportunities, or more significant advancement. With the help of this 15-minute audio, people can now learn how to develop a grateful attitude that brings happiness, appreciation, and enjoyment. Advanced Circle of Excellence and Metaphor protocols are critical protocols used to assist rewire one’s thinking habits in this direction.



Outcome: End Self-Sabotage
Technique: 5-Year Projection

The Inspire3 team views self-sabotage as nothing more than a mental process that leads nowhere and is always in opposition to any plan one may have. It could take years to become proficient in this skill, which people must learn to escape. The Advanced 5-Year Projection and Future Pacing protocols are used in Fillisolve-B to make people action-oriented, assist in accepting positive thoughts, help break free from restrictive behaviors, and to build the courage to undertake tasks that are typically refused.



Outcome: Law of Attraction

Technique: Visualization

Destinite-131 is designed to activate the Law of Attraction, allowing people to start manifesting great results. People will learn about the power of manifesting what they want, how to live a desirable lifestyle, techniques for strengthening relationships, and the stages to making inner dreams a reality during each 19-minute session of this audio. Destinite-131 was built by the Inspire3 team using the Advanced Visualization and Metaphor protocols for optimal pleasure and abundance.



Outcome: Reinvent Yourself

Technique: Movie Screen Reframe

Regen-2 can be worthwhile to listen to if you feel as though you are trapped in a circle that rotates between old patterns. This audio employs the Advanced Movie Reframe and Future Pacing protocols to achieve the deepest level of change. People should gradually begin to experience improvement in the aspect of their lives most troubling them, including the capacity to feel renewed, attract new opportunities, increase self-awareness, and begin living life on their terms.



Outcome: Visualization Success

Technique: Submodalities

Nuroptine-22 is based largely on visualizing success. It is thought to be a powerful tool for establishing big dreams, engaging the brain’s creative side, and envisioning new ideas for future success. The Submodality Protocol, in conjunction with Metaphor, is trusted to transform the mind from a state of mental fog to one of manifesting success.



Outcome: Zen Meditation Master

Technique: Mindfulness

Upcalm-12 is the final of Inspire3’s digital pills. Individuals must master their emotions to become calmer. The same is said to apply to relieving stress on the immune system and blocking out external negativity. As for the methodology deployed, Upcalm-12 uses the Advanced Mindfulness protocol. This strategy is trusted to help instill Zen energy in the mind, allowing everyone to maintain peace and wisdom.

Top 5 NLP Techniques

It should be apparent by now that the Inspire3 team is driven to leverage the potential of a mindset change for success and health, growth, healing, and better lifestyle choices. The field of NLP also includes several methods for altering emotional reactions, behaviors, and thought processes. Energy, therefore, moves based on one’s intent. Now, we could continue and list the wealth of viewpoints available on each type. However, in the interests of simplicity and to give readers a taste of what’s to come, our editorial team thought it would be appropriate to go into more depth on five often used techniques.


Anchoring is a process that induces a mental state to help in the recall of information or an event. According to one source [2], this is a naturally occurring phenomenon dependent on how much a person is evoked. People more capable of adapting are more likely to move people emotionally and influence their state of mind for solace, interest, generosity, enthusiasm, and humor.

Pattern Interrupt

Pattern Interrupt, as the name implies, is a technique that involves interrupting a specific pattern. While some may believe this technique must be dramatic, one source [3] claims otherwise. Individuals can, in fact, begin small and see how they feel. For example, pattern interrupt could be useful for people who bite their nails frequently and want to change. In this case, individuals can avoid biting their nails by painting them with nail polish instead. Another example could involve emotional reactions; people prone to becoming angry can break the cycle by meditating or using other methods to relieve tension.


Swish [4] is a pattern-focused technique that involves shifting one’s train of thought from one of inaction to one of action. It is considered an effective submodality change, in which the brain wishes to replace something of no interest with something of maximum desire. This technique [5]is said to be popular among people who want to break bad habits like smoking, nail-biting, or overeating. Transformation happens only when people realize what they need to let go of to get what they want.


Reframing [6]is a technique for changing any habit or behavior and is thus regarded as the key to self-improvement. It not only broadens understanding of one’s own abilities but it also provides a positive attitude toward the world. The goal is to help people see social situations in new ways. Typically, this entails minor changes that result in a unique perspective. What’s interesting is that in some cases, a negative reframe may be required.

Future Pacing

Future pacing [7]is the process of linking changes and resources to future events. Individuals are expected to imagine and virtually experience situations to make the necessary changes for maximum results. In other words, this technique appears to be based on the proverb, “You are what you think.” It’s not even about thinking big; it’s about imagining a goal and implanting it in the mind so that it continues to unfold naturally with increasing effort.

Limitless Labs’ NLP Master Practitioners

Julie-Ann Amos

Julie-Ann Amos has been cited several times in this review. She is the voice behind each digital pill and a top authority on personal change. Julie was chosen, says the team, because she is a certified NLP practitioner, has worked as a hypnotherapist, and has been at the forefront of NLP protocols and discussions about hypnosis. She surprisingly collaborated with esteemed professionals, including Dr. Joseph Riggio, Jonathan Altfeld, John LaValle, and Joseph LaValle. She also wrote numerous books; did we mention that?

Stuart Ashing

Despite receiving less attention than Julie-Ann Amos, Stuart Ashing is a key player in Limitless Labs. In addition to being a certified hypnotherapy and NLP master practitioner with over three decades of expertise, he founded LUX Therapy Clinic and The Most Powerful Hypnosis Program in the World™ Audible series. He was, in fact, the brains behind the original Limitless Labs line, with his version of each digital pill still available today. Along with the primary version, Julie-Ann Amos also provides these extra versions.

How much do Limitless Labs’ products cost?

Digital pills from Limitless Labs can be purchased individually, in bulk, or as a whole pharmacy collection. If customers are interested in purchasing certain digital medicines, the starting price is $17.95. There is also the option to pay $57.95 for six at once in the brain, lifestyle, success, health, mindset, or growth categories. To take full advantage of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a one-time payment of $97 will provide everyone unrestricted access to all 36 digital pills.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q. Are the products made by Limitless Labs indeed drugs that can be taken orally?

A. The products from Limitless Labs are not pills or injections; rather, they are digital pills, often known as audio experiences, that use NLP to alter one’s thought patterns and the effect desired change.

Q. Why does Inspire3 refer to digital pills as “prescription”?

A. Inspire3 does not use the term “prescription” to describe digital pills. To them, the idea of having an audio experience is the digital pill itself, and each order placed is a prescription.

Q. How to get started with Limitless Labs?

A. After purchasing a digital pill or library, the creators will deliver it as an audio MP3 file that can be stored on one’s phone, computer, or any other electronic device. Each digital pill is designed to last 15 minutes on average. Everyone must pay close attention to the instructions. That said, it is possible to zone out in the moment, but with time, the terminologies used should be easily understood. When the experience is finished, people can resume their normal lives.

Q. How frequently should Limitless Labs audios be listened to?

A. While Inspire3 recommends at least one session per week, the user is entirely free to choose. Some people benefit from one weekly session, while others prefer to learn NLP daily. Fortunately, there is no such thing as an overdose on Limitless Labs.

Q. Is it safe to listen to these so-called digital pills?

A. Yes, the Limitless Labs and Inspire3 digital pills are completely safe. There are currently no known potential side effects. Furthermore, because these audio files do not contain brainwave entrainment, the risk of inducing an epileptic response is considered extremely low.

Q. What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

A. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychotherapy approach that uses specific linguistic techniques to reprogram the brain for constructive thought patterns. These are crucial for changing one’s life for the better or getting rid of obstacles.

Q. How are Inspire3 and Limitless Labs connected?

A. Limitless Labs is a division of Inspire3, a science-based publisher.

Q. What if Limitless Labs’ digital pills do not work as intended?

A. In case the Limitless Labs digital pills do not work as intended, a 365-day money-back guarantee has protected each purchase. For more information on what qualifies for returns, contact customer support via:

  • Email: support@limitlesslabs.com or awesome@inspire3.com
  • Submit a form: click here

Final Thoughts

At last, Inspire3 created a division called Limitless Labs, where a series of audio experiences dubbed “digital pills” was compiled. Each of these sessions captures the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a technique that reprograms the brain using words and direction. The concept of reprogramming is the highlight of these digital pills. People who have been raised with certain beliefs are thought to see the world as it is unless a change is brought upon them. Inspire3 and Limitless Labs genuinely think that by rewiring our thinking patterns, we will be able to leverage inner strength and determination.

The key advantage of the strategy used by these teams is that it doesn’t result in harm or will not negatively interrupt daily activities. It is as easy as taking in and paying attention to Stuart Ashing’s or Julie Ann-Amos’ viewpoints and directions. These audio experiences can increase self-assurance, enable people to let go of the past or anything else holding them back, and help them embrace challenges—all of which will inevitably result in a favorable transformation. Given their extensive backgrounds in their respective fields, having Julie and Stuart’s advice throughout these sessions is also a selling feature.

Our editorial team strongly believes that support garnered on Trustpilot also speaks miles on end! But of course, there is a money-back guarantee in effect if NLP isn’t the path the individual wants to take. To learn more about this unique journey filled with digital pills, visit Limitless Labs by clicking here! >>>


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